You Don’t Have to Be in School to Stay Sharp


Photo Credit: Death to Stock

The last quarter of college, I felt like I’d finally figured it out. School, that is. I’d written a 40+ page research paper that I was proud of, I’d learned how to present my ideas with confidence, and I’d learned how to appreciate the richness of the academic life. And then, just like that, school was over.I wondered what I would be like when I wasn’t in school. For example, I told myself that I loved to learn. But would I really stay motivated when I didn’t have grades, deadlines and professors encouraging me to study, think and write?

It turns out, my love of learning became even more a part of my identity once I wasn’t in school. I had time. Time to think. Time to read. And I could study one thing at a time, instead of juggling multiple course loads.

Also, my brain was less cluttered and distracted. If you’re like me, as a student you are pulled in so many different directions. And so is your brain. You’re constantly prioritizing what class you’ll spend time on, which test you’re going to study for, how to balance research and writing, and how you’re supposed to get sleep and have a social life on top of it all.

When you’re working, your time is more structured. And in your off-time, even if you spend some of it commuting, your brain can wander where it wills.

Here’s the key: if you want your mind to stay curious and sharp, you need to cultivate it. You need thought-provoking ideas to wrestle with, adopt and simply challenge what you thought you knew. You need thinkers who you admire and look up to, who you will allow to challenge your thinking, or whose ideas you’ll take seriously and truly consider.

There are so many sources out there — books, podcasts, online courses. They’re free or low-cost, especially when you compare them to the amount you paid for college! Take care to stay sharp. It will invigorate you, keep your days from growing dull, and inspire you to think differently about your work and the life you lead. And who knows, you might just learn a thing or two.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

2 thoughts on “You Don’t Have to Be in School to Stay Sharp

  1. Book club! Reading something I wouldn’t choose to read on my own keeps me learning. The current book is “The Invisible Man” by H.G. Wells. Having to look up the precise meaning of quite a few words is increasing my vocabulary. 🙂

    I never did go to college, just several tech schools (legal secretary and court reporting), which have served me very well in my career. However, when I retire, I’m going to audit enough college classes to earn a non-papered degree!! 😀

    Your words are inspiring, Marie. I’m looking forward to your future posts! ♥

    • Thank you, Theresa! It sounds like you’re in a neat book club. Love the quotes you post on FB, as well. There are many sources out there to make us think, reflect and increase our vision of the world.

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