4 Tips for Waking Up & Training Yourself to Like It

Last week, on my birthday, I shared 26 things I’ve learned. One of the items that a number of people commented on was setting out your clothes for the next day the night before. It’s such a simple task, but makes a big difference in starting your day off smoothly!

This week I want to share some additional tips for beginning the day both smoothly and in a good mood. (As a bonus, here’s a great podcast on the topic.) Think of these as steps to help you wake up on the right side of the bed.

  1. Set your alarm to play music that you like. An alarm will likely be a jarring experience no matter what noise it makes. But if it plays a song or music station you like, there’s a better chance of you welcoming (or at least not rejecting) that trigger.
  2. Have a power phrase that puts mind over matter. One of mine is “You’ll feel better once you’re up.” Another is “You won’t feel any less tired 20 minutes from now” (if I were to keep sleeping). I say this to myself when I’ve turned off the alarm but haven’t yet gotten up. It’s the boost I need to actually become vertical.
  3. Have a mantra that puts your focus on something positive. Say this to yourself as you’re waking up. One of mine is “This is the day that the Lord has made.” Another example is “I’m so grateful to be alive.” Have this be a sentence that directs your focus beyond petty complaints, worries or frustrations. Say the sentence to yourself, even if the tone in your head is one of angst, grogginess or sheer silliness. The words have the power to shape your thinking and how you feel.
  4. Run a washcloth under hot water and press it to your eyes. I have my mother to thank for this technique. If you normally take a shower in the morning, this is probably redundant. But if you don’t, the warm steam will soothe the sleepiness out of your eyes and leave you ready to see the world through a bright gaze.

Some days you will want to hit snooze, and you’ll decide it’s important to sleep more. And that’s fine. But don’t let it be the norm. Getting up successfully is your first chance for a win in the new day. Don’t pass it up or fail the meet the challenge.

Why do you think it’s so challenging to wake up? What techniques or tips help you wake up in the morning? Share your thoughts in the comments. 


Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

2 thoughts on “4 Tips for Waking Up & Training Yourself to Like It

  1. Another thought, it takes 21days to make a habit, so keep doing it! Blessings to you Marie

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