26 Things I’ve Learned: Thoughts on My Birthday

Happy birthday to me. Rather than include in-depth reflections, I’ve listed a 26 things I’ve observed or learned–in particular, things I’ve learned in the past year. As you read these, think about what lessons you’re learning at this time in your life!

26 Things I’ve Learned: 

  1. It’s not as hard as you thought to be successful in a job.
  2. Sleep is important.
  3. Being grateful is an excellent mood lifter.
  4. Singing aloud, in the car, is also a good mood lifter.
  5. Eating a salad with your lunch everyday is a great way to get daily vegetables.
  6. Keeping in touch with professors is worth the effort and potential self-consciousness you might feel when initially reaching out.
  7. It’s attractive when someone shows interest in getting to know you. Showing this interest to others will build connections and help you get to know people more quickly.
  8. One of the best ways to learn is to find people to emulate. They can be a person in your life, a peer you look up to, or a public figure who writes, blogs, etc.
  9. Being married is not the same as dating or being engaged. It’s easier to take your spouse for granted, because you think they’ll always be there. But your spouse is the one person you absolutely should not take for granted.
  10. Setting out your clothes the night before is a good way to fight decision fatigue the next day (tiredness that results from having to make decisions.)
  11. That extra 20 minutes of sleep won’t make you feel any more rested. But being rushed and late to work will make you feel more frazzled.
  12. Connecting with family is important  – whether you do so through visits, phone calls or a family group text.
  13. Podcasts are the bomb! A few I subscribe to are Longform, This is Your Life with Michael Hyatt, The Chalene Show, This American Life, and (a new favorite) Call Your Girlfriend.
  14. Hot chocolate + peppermint schnapps is a top-notch evening snack, even when it’s no longer wintertime.
  15. Taste your food while you’re cooking it (if you can.) Then you’ll know what it takes like before serving it up to guests, and also, you can adjust the spices/cook time/etc. if it needs improvement.
  16. Tithing is a good reminder that money is a resource to steward. And once you’re accustomed to generous charitable giving, it’s easier to consider giving on top of your normal amounts.
  17. Good friendships are a rare gift. Treasure them and make your friends feel appreciated.
  18. Make your co-workers feel appreciated, too. You see each other every day, and a small gesture of thanks is an investment in the health of your long-term working relationship.
  19. Don’t worry so much about healthy eating that you find yourself not eating enough. Transitioning to a healthy diet can take time, and doesn’t need to happen all at once.
  20. Attending the theater is magical. Getting a season subscription ensures that you won’t miss the magic. And it makes you feel classy.
  21. Prayer tunes you in to see how God is working in your life. It’s a reminder that you’re not going through life alone.
  22. Having a regular coffee shop makes it easy to build up a store of positive memories in one place. It can also be a trigger — for getting good writing done, sharing good conversations, or engaging in thoughtful reading/thinking.
  23.  One of the perpetuators of bias is lack of representation. When it becomes the norm to see/talk about/and expect women, non-white people, and others who have been discriminated against to be in positions of power and authority, we will begin to change our biases.
  24. Writing is a good way to gain clarity in your thoughts.
  25. There is so much beauty around you. Take time to gaze upon a sunset, appreciate the changing seasons, and be grateful for the inspiration of nature.
  26. There’s so much to learn — don’t be daunted by this, be humbled and excited.

Thanks to those of you who have been reading this blog, and who have shared your thoughts and feedback with me. I’m so grateful that you’re a part of my life — whether I see you everyday or whether we simply keep in touch via the web. Be well.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

2 thoughts on “26 Things I’ve Learned: Thoughts on My Birthday

    • Thank you so much! To be honest, I could write a blog post just about the things I learned in 5th grade:)

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